Fake Dropdown Reasons Dataset
This Excel workbook has 2 worksheets: “Dropdown Reason” and “Main Table”. [Entirely fake data.]
This is meant to illustrate the table structure of a Main Table with a field that is supported in an application by a dropdown (in this case “Main Table”.”Reason Removed ID” maps to “Dropdown Reason”.”ID”). The blog that accompanies this example can be found here. The Tableau Public workbook I use to illustrate how the data connects, aggregates, and how the analytics are better supported can be found here.
This Excel workbook has 2 worksheets: “Dropdown Reason” and “Main Table”. [Entirely fake data.]
This is meant to illustrate the table structure of a Main Table with a field that is supported in an application by a dropdown (in this case “Main Table”.”Reason Removed ID” maps to “Dropdown Reason”.”ID”). The blog that accompanies this example can be found here. The Tableau Public workbook I use to illustrate how the data connects, aggregates, and how the analytics are better supported can be found here.
This Excel workbook has 2 worksheets: “Dropdown Reason” and “Main Table”. [Entirely fake data.]
This is meant to illustrate the table structure of a Main Table with a field that is supported in an application by a dropdown (in this case “Main Table”.”Reason Removed ID” maps to “Dropdown Reason”.”ID”). The blog that accompanies this example can be found here. The Tableau Public workbook I use to illustrate how the data connects, aggregates, and how the analytics are better supported can be found here.